Selected by Sandra Safta Waterhouse

IRIS KUFERT-RIVO, Infiltrate, 2020


Part of a body of work titled, The Structure Series, Infiltrate was inspired by the urban environment surrounding contemporary artist Iris Kufert-Rivo. The paintings in this series explore pattern and repetition of forms and examine the constructs of intellect and emotion through the repetitive use of the square, how it is presented and organized, and how color characterizes the psychology of the works. The artist works with the structural cacophony that inhabits the works to create a strong presence and voice. The painting process is paramount to Kufert-Rivo's creative experience. Made without the use of a brush, she uses palette knives and straight edges to propel the pieces forward. These works relate closely to the artists’ observance of the world she lives in and the climate of the culture around us.


Iris Kufert-Rivo is a geometric painter with a studio at Mana Contemporary in Jersey City, NJ.
She received her Bachelor of Science from Skidmore College and a Master of Fine Arts from
Bard College.  
Her works have been exhibited at The Painting Center (NYC), Hidell Brooks Gallery (Charlotte, NC), George Billis Gallery LA (Los Angeles, CA), Dune (NYC), One West End Gallery (NYC), Red Dot Fair at Art Basel (Miami, FL), San Francisco Art Fair, Newell Gallery (NYC), The Morris Museum (Morristown, NJ). She resides in Jersey City with her family.

March 15, 2021