Born in 1971, United Kingdom 

Lives and works in Cornwall, UK 

1989-90 Torquay Tech, Foundation Course in Art and Design
1990-93 Brighton Polytechnic, B.A. Fine Art Painting
1993-95 Royal College of Art, M.A. Fine Art Painting
1997-99 Middlesex University, M.A. Visual Culture 

Selected Solo Exhibitions 

2022 Parallel Botany, Carol Corey Fine Art, Kent 

2021 Parallel Botany, Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London 

2019 What remains to be said, Nancy Toomey Fine Art, San Francisco 

2018 Plastic Fox, Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London 

2017 Andy Harper, Lux Institute of Art, San Diego 

2016 Sol, Danese Corey, New York 

Soft Errors, Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London 

2014 The Pleasures of Thinking, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin 2013 The Angels of History, The Page Gallery, Seoul Archaeology in Reverse, Newlyn Art Gallery 

Festival Britain, James Freeman Gallery, London 2012 New Paintings, Danese, New York 2011 Towards a New Architecture, The Page Gallery, Seoul Truthwall, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin 2010 An Orrery for Other Worlds, Aspex, Portsmouth 2009 Danese Gallery, New York 

2008 Silent Generation, One in the Other, London 

2007 The Ballad of Mistah Bones, Frost and Reed, London 

Selected Group Exhibitions
2020 Abstraction: Cool and Hot, Danese Corey, New York 

2019 Angels, James Freeman Gallery, London 

A Solar Umbrella, Gallery 46, London 

2018 Summer, Nancy Toomey Fine Art, San Francisco 

2017 referenced, Danese Corey, New York 

2015 The First Humans, Pumphouse Gallery, London 2014 Silence, ESMoA, El Segundo Museum of Art, Los Angeles 2012 Merge Festival, Bankside, London Looking Glass, Bernhard Bischoff and Partner Galerie, Bern 2011 In the Presence of Light, Danese, New York Latitude Contemporary Art Prize, (winner), Latitude Festival, Suffolk 2010 Twilight Zone, with Minjung Kim and Chrystel Lebas, Galerie Morgen, Berlin 2009 Now you see it, Cafe Gallery Projects, Southwark Park, London Wall Painting, FringMK, Milton Keynes Forces of Nature, Danese Gallery, New York Pattern Recognition, Leicester City Art Gallery Wastelands, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall 2008 Timbuktu, Pallas Contemporary Projects, Dublin This is not a fairy tale, Patrick Heide Gallery, London 

Whispers of Immortality, Natalia Goldin Gallery, Stockholm 

Drift, Thames River, curated by Illuminate Productions Darkness Visible, Galway Arts Centre, Ireland Curios Nature, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall 

2007 Intervention, Fieldgate Gallery, London Obsession durch Technik, Art Mbassy Gallery, Berlin Dorian Gray, Vegas Gallery, London Sovereign European Art Prize, Club Row, London Behemoth, Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London 

2006 Toffee Armistice, Lemon Sky Projects, Miami, USA John Moores 24, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Core, Illuminate Productions, London 

2006-05 Jerwood Drawing Prize, Jerwood Space, London and UK tour 2005 Garden History Museum, Parabola/Danielle Arnaud 

Mostyn Open, Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno, Wales 2002 drive for show, putt for dough, Standpoint Gallery, London 

megareal, K3, Zurich, Switzerland 2001 ...and then we take Berlin, Kitchener City Hall, Canada 

Coast, Artsway open, collaboration with Abigail Reynolds east of eden – art : nature : society, Spacex Gallery, Exeter, Devon Art X III, Haus Ennepetal and Hattingen Gallery, Germany 

2000 A-movie-A-night, Braziers International Artists Workshop. Secret garden, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham 

1999 The Flower Show: flowers in art in the 20th century, Harewood House, Leeds Turf Accountants, The Economist Plaza 

Collections (selection) 

J Sainsbury plc, Worcester 

Accenture plc, Dublin 

Fidelity Investments, Boston, U.S. 

Lodeveans Collection, London 

West Collection, U.S. 

Government Art Collection, British 

The Office of Public Works, Ireland 

Pigozzi Collection, Geneva 

Neil Tennant Collection 

Terence Conran Collection 

Peter Gabriel Collection